iQ Suite - Docs
SDK ReferenceDocument RAG

Add Document

Add a new document to an existing index.


The Add Document endpoint allows you to add a new document to an existing index. This is useful for updating your index with additional information without creating a new index.


Add Document method is an async process and our server will return with a task_id and check_status URL to check the status of your uploaded file.

We recommend using our webhooks to receive completed index_id or use our polling methods to wait till completion.

HTTP Request

POST /index/add-document


All requests must include an Authorization header with a valid API key.


AuthorizationBearer YOUR_API_KEY

Request Body

  • index: The ID of the index to which the document will be added.
  • document: The file to upload.

Form Data

indexstringThe ID of the index
documentfile (binary)The document file to upload

Request Example

    # Open the new document you want to add in binary read mode
    with open('document.pdf', 'rb') as file:
        # Send a request to add the document to the specified index
        response = client.add_document(
            index_id='your_index_id',      # Use the valid index_id obtained earlier
            document=file,                 # Pass the binary file object
            filename='document.pdf'        # Provide the filename
        # Print the received Task ID to monitor progress
        print(f"Task ID: {}")
except APIError as e:
    print(f"An error occurred while adding the document: {e}")



Status Code: 200 OK


    "data": {
        "message": "Index creation has started.",
        "task_id": "fe77e15c-17ce-4cec-aeb5-134645fb9d17",
        "check_status": ""

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